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[WHC2011]中心血压测量方法与内皮细胞功能研究进展——Alberto Alvolio 教授专访

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/23 16:57:21    加入收藏
 关键字:中心血压 波形算法 内皮细胞 Alberto Alvolio 

    <International Circulation>:Peoples anatomy is similar enough that you end up with errors that small, but is this the anatomy of their hearts or of their vascular? 
    Prof. Alvolio :Essentially the brachial artery system, the arteries is the one place or case where that type of model does not work. For example, if you have an obstruction of the subclavian arteries are obstructed then that doesn’t work because you are then measuring something else. Thankfully that sort obstruction doesn’t happen too often in people – people’s arms don’t fall off and so on and so forth… But it does happen, and when it does happen it can’t be used.

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