
[EuroPCR 2012]多支病变患者的危险分层——意大利Catania大学Ferrarotto医院Davide Capodanno教授专访

作者:  D.Capodanno   日期:2012/5/28 17:41:18



  International Circulation: To select the best revascularization strategy for high-risk multivessel disease patients, we should consider all aspects of the patients, how would you suggest to balance the real-life perspective and evidence-based guidelines?
  Dr. Capodanno: Guidelines are based on studies, which are performed in settings which are not those of real practice. It is a problem. Randomized control trials are quite selective. They exclude good patients that we commonly see in the practice. Guidelines should be followed, but you need to be flexible and you need to adapt the rules that you read in the guidelines to your particular patient. This is of course a key message.
  Scores may assist you in identifying not only patients who are at high risk, but especially patients who are at low risk for a procedure. Patients for which there could be some overlap for the two procedures. For this group of patients, you can talk with the patient and get his opinion. I intended the guidelines for a group of patients with some equipoise between procedures. Of course this does not mean that simply have a number and below this number you treat and over this number you cannot treat. You have to flexible; you have to adapt the indications to your patient and for the best outcome.


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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:聂会珍

Davide Capodanno CABGPCI多支血管病变

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